CCTV surveys
By means of a small diameter, closed circuit TV camera, the interior condition of drainage pipework, chimneys and ductwork etc can be surveyed. Utilising observation sheets and recordings of the survey, we can determine EXACTLY where the fault lies and the nature of the problem. Using specialised surveying equipment, we will, with minimum disruption, save you time – as well as cutting costs over conventional fault-finding methods.
Our survey doesn’t stop on site either – following a site visit from one of our survey teams we will provide a comprehensive written report showing the findings of the survey along with recommendations for any remedial works found, we will also provide recordings of the survey and are able to provide technical advice for solutions to any problems found.
Reporting Pipe sewer Condition reports are provided using the Viewline MSCC5 (Manual of Sewer Condition Classification) compliant software application to carry out WRc (Water Research Council) and NADC (National Association of Drainage Contractors) approved CCTV reports.